Nicole Wendler Photography & Jamie Meile Photography are hosting a shoot along with 8 other photographers. In total there will be up to 10 photographers photographing your family. We are looking for a larger family that includes Mom, Dad, and 3 or more children. Bigger the better! :) We would love to find an interracial family. Model calls will be traveling to the Poconos area on June 1st 2024 at a designated time frame during sunset. The model call will also need to be available June 8th as our backup rain date. Lastly, model will work closely with Jamie Meile Photography & Nicole Wendler Photography as they style each family member and be willing to purchase and rent the perfect pieces for their wardrobe to fit the photographers visions.
There will be a deposit of $200 to become the model. The price is there for your complete commitment along with woman’s gown rental fee/outfit. Model will receive 40 digital images as a thank you from the host photographers. To apply please answer the following questions below. We will only reach out if you are selected. Good Luck!